19 APRIL 1873, Page 3

The Germans carry matters with a high hand in Alsace.

It seems that the Burgomaster of Strasbourg (M. Lauth) had said privately "that he only retained his office in the expectation and hope of the return of the French." On this coming to the ears of the German authorities, M. Lauth was removed, where- upon twenty-five out of thirty-three members of the Common Council protested and declined to act with the German officer Herr Bach, whom the German authorities substituted for M. Lauth. Hence the whole Council have been superseded, and Police Director Bach appointed Extraordinary Commissioner to administer the whole municipality in place of the Council. Would not Germany get on better without all this thin-skinned attention to reports of private remarks, or at least without showing any sign of overhearing them ? It is hardly wise thus to bleed the patient afresh for every sign of slight local conges- tion, unless indeed it is desired to bleed the patient away.