19 APRIL 1913, Page 3

Mr. Godfrey Isaacs has been under examination at the Marconi

Committee during the past week. The most im- portant event of his testimony was his veiled suggestion (noted by us last week) that the " rumours " in regard to Ministers were put about by persons interested in a rival undertaking, the Poulsen Company. In the course of his revelations he mentioned a prospectus of the Poulsen Company, and also referred to a letter which he had received from Mr. Hawkings associating the names of two members of Parliament with the alleged efforts of the Poulsen Company to defeat their competitors. Mr. Godfrey Isaacs in his evidence also brought in the name of Sir Henry Norman, though in vague terms, and without making any charge against him. Indeed Mr. Godfrey Isaacs insisted chat he made no charges against anyone.