19 APRIL 1924, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SLR,—May I, by-the kind hospitality of your columns, bring to the notice of those of your readers who still hold in honoured memory the gallantry and sacrifice of the Gallipoli campaign that the annual memorial service of the 29th Division (Galli- poli, 1915-16) will be held on the anniversary of the landing, Friday, April 25th, in Holy Trinity Church, Eltham, S.E. 9, at 11 a.m.? The sermon will be preached by the Senior Chap- lain to the Forces, Woolwich Garrison. The Royal Artillery Band and trumpeters will assist, by the kind permisSion of the officers R.A. The congregation are asked to be seated by 10.30 a.m. Our nearest station is Shooter's Hill. I will gladly forward tickets and fuller particulars to all who apply to me, enclosing a stamped- directedenvelope.—I am, Sir, &c., HENRY A. HALL (Divisional Chaplain to the 29th at the landing). Holy Trinity Vicarage, Eltham, S.E. 9.