19 APRIL 1930, Page 2

The Acquittal of Herr Ulitz German-Polish relations in Upper Silesia—and

for that matter many of the Minority problems of Europe—are startlingly illuminated by the acquittal at Kattowitz in a Court of Appeal- of the leader of the German minority. Herr Ulitz was condemned last July on the charge of aiding conscripts to evade Polish military service. A mass of circumstantial evidence was produced to show that he was eniployed by the Volksbund—a German propagandist agency on the other side of the frontier. The re-trial has revealed that the witnesses for the prose- cution were without exception paid spies and agents who did not stop at any falsehood or forgery. Their excuse was. the usual one" they wanted to do their duty to the Polish State:" Dr. Johnson's boutade about •pat- iiotism. is strangely up-to-date. The Manchester Guardian pays a- warm and well-deserved tribute to the presiding judge, Dr. Zachenter, for his insistence on fair play under conditions which are usually fatal to impartiality. This acquittal is an event Of real importance for. Poland and Germany, and in no small degree for all Europe. " * - * *