19 APRIL 1946, Page 13



SIR,—I was surprised to find, after his rather illogical first five para- graphs, that Lord Hinchingbrooke had so clear a view of the choice before the Conservative Party, and also the very great opportunities in front of it. It is well that progressive Conservatives are beginning to realise that the present Labour Government is only a halfway house. In the strenuous years ahead the country is bound eventually to swing away from Attlee-ism. And the choice will be between the Police State (Communist-Nazi) and the Free State (Liberal-Conservative). Which choice it makes will depend neither upon the present Labour Govern- ment, nor upon the Communist Party, nor even upon the crypto-Com- munists (Zilliacus, &c.). It will depend upon what course the Con- servative Party takes in the next two years. It will depend whether the Opposition decides to choose a progressive policy based upon principle and reason, or a reactionary one based upon pride and prejudice.

Even after the choice has been made, the Conservative path may- be both long and wearisome. But I am certain that, if it is the path of progress and freedom, the end will not be in doubt. It is worth waiting five years (or, more probably, a decade) for the opportunity to make England great, prosperous and free. Only a masochist will wait patiently for extinction. And it is extinction which lies at the end of both the path of reaction and the path of Conservasocialism.—I am, &c.,

lunior Carlton Club, London, S.W. z. PETER BAKER.