19 APRIL 1946, Page 13

SIR,—Now that we may once more write to friends in

Germany, one can only feel horror and shame that we are not allowed to fulfil the elementary Christian duty of sharing our food with them. Why does the Government not allow individuals to send part of their rations to save others from starvation? As a people we are responsible for the British zone of Germany, but as individuals we are allowed to do nothing to help, although there exist bodies such as " Save Europe Now " and C.O.B.S.R.A. who would undertake the organisation of gifts of food, if the sending of private parcels is not practicable. What people could spare might not be much, but it would be better than nothing, and it might convince the Germans that British people are not completely

indifferent to their fate.—Yours faithfully, E. R. DEYK IN. Hoye Cottage, Bewdley, Worcs.