19 APRIL 1946, Page 14


SID,—While the people of Europe are threatened with, or are already enduring, starvation, bread and other foods in this country are being systematically fed to greyhounds. In the countryside where I live, it is a common practice for farmers and others to undertake the care of two or more greyhounds ; they are paid sos. a week for each animal. The creatures are fed mainly on bread, but also on milk and on cod-liver oil which is procured in large quantities for them. No attempt is ever made either by the police or by Government inspectors to interfere with this shameful abuse of food urgently needed for human consumption. Yet a Government spy will sometimes cause a farmer's wife to be prosecuted if she has fed a few grains of oats to her hens. Mr. Attlee and Sir Ben Smith have declared that ex-enemy countries must come "last in the queue." Do they really think it right that British grey- hounds should take precedence of children, whether British, German or Austrian?—Yours faithfully, MARY C. MOORIYIAN. Lanercost Priory, Brampton, Cumberland