19 APRIL 1963, Page 15


SIR,—May I make two comments on your mag- nificent editorial `Kindling Interest' (Spectator, April 12). You say : 'There happen to be many fine Ang- lican priests who find the traditional methods of prayer, worship and evangelism either very difficult or impossible for them; in encountering the means to change these they assume naturally that many others are facing the same problems.' My experience has been that these people make no such assumption: they are continually surprised at finding others who share what they had been brought up to believe must be a very unusual and therefore probably reprehensible attitude. But what they do then deduce is that if there are quite a few of them who apparently share their ideas, how many more people must there be who have found the same experience but have left the Church as a result, or have no: been able to approach it.

You go on to say the 'volume of prayer comes most strongly from the well-defined Evangelical 01 Catholic parties in the Church which are so dis, liked, or whose existence is repeatedly denied, by the present advocates of Bonhoeffer.' I think the word 'respectively' should have been included in thi. paragraph. The majority of people who write for or like Prism seem to dislike the Evangelical party in th. Church, but to be completely aware of its existence and its great strength (I am not defending this di,

like); on the other hand, these people tend to like th.- Catholic party, but not believe in its existence. There is a fairly important distinction here for those wh.• are trying to analyse the state of the Church at th.:

Editor-in-Chief, Prisht

177 Regent Street, WI