19 APRIL 1986, Page 23

A kick to Scottish culture

Sir: In common with other readers of the Spectator who have the misfortune to have been born, and contrive to continue to exist, north of Watford, I am amazed at Your inability to see the value of appreciat- ing issues which concern those benighted regions.

The continuing scandal of the rejection by the Council of Glasgow University of the offer by Colonel Gayre of Gayre and Nigg to endow a long overdue chair of Scottish literature and language with his 131.vn money is one that would baffle com- prehension in any other seat of learning in Europe or America, save in the Marxist- dominated Gulag archipelago, if 'universi- ties', so-called, exist there. The bland admission by the Council that they do not themselves have the cash to endow this 500-years-overdue foundation is a measure of their responsibility to European, not to Say Scottish culture. To administer 'a kick in the teeth to the hand that feeds one' can never be a graceful gesture. On the part of a universi- ty which has included the Marquis of Montrose, Adam Smith, Tom Johnston and Lord Kelvin amongst its luminaries, this action is so deplorable as to warrant further investigation and publicisation.

Robert Blair Wilkie

31 Kersland Street, Glasgow G12