19 APRIL 2008, Page 26

Justice for Mosley

Sir: Taki is undoubtedly the master at throwing, metaphorically, one bone to a number of dogs and then seemingly unconcerned at the outcome, moving on. I refer to the little bone in his column about Sir Oswald Mosley, (High Life, 12 April). Mosley and his wife were of course interned, not imprisoned as he states — quite a difference. Then he adds ‘unfairly’. I lived through this time. The man was a distinct threat. A declared fascist in Nazi-style uniform, his wife’s sisters both friends of Adolf Hitler, conducting hostile demonstrations and up to the war staging a campaign of vilification and abuse aimed at the Jews. Even after the war he did not leave the scene, calling for an end to non-white immigration in 1959. I ‘tasted the bone’ Taki and didn’t like it. Internment was quite justified and in no way unfair.

Eric Watson

Via email