19 AUGUST 1843, Page 2

The Spanish Revolutionary Government have resorted to a measure which

stamps them beyond all cavil the Government de facto if not de jure, and neither they nor any other Ministry can undo it : they have proclaimed the majority of Queen IsenELLA the Second. The act only awaits the formal recognition of the Cortes. The little Queen looked pleased at the ceremony, and talked in a very friendly manner with the men who had thus hastened her own accession to the name of complete power. At that time, her friend ESPARTERO was a wanderer, sick, and in mis- fortune, and denied an asputa in POIlogal. It were indiscreet to draw too strong inferences from this appearance of youthful levity and thoughtlessness ; yet, whatever Iseasiza the Second may be- come, Spain has not yet- an earnest, strong-minded head. The Queen's husband, however, may still save it, if well chosen ; and a vigorous understanding would be of more worth than all the balances of connexion and all the idiotic negations which diplo- matists favour.