19 AUGUST 1848, Page 5

Cbe (Court.

THE Queen and Prince Albert came from Osborne to town on Tuesday; and her Majesty held a Court at Buckingham Palace. M. de Beaumont, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary:of the French Republic, had an audience of the Queen, to deliver his credentials. He was presented by Lord Palmerston. Lord John Russell afterwards had an audience.

The Queen and Prince Albert returned to Osborne on Wednesday. Thursday was the birthday of the Dutchess of Kent, and Osborne estab- lishment honoured the occasion with rejoicings. Upwards of three hun- dred and fifty guests, including the whole crews of the yachts, were enter- tained at a grand feast; the Queen appearing and walking round the tables at the climax of the festivity.

The Dutohess of Kent spent the day at Osborne. The Dutchess has taken a house in East Cowes Park for some weeks.