19 AUGUST 1865, Page 24

Christ the Interpreter of Scripture. By John R. Beard, D.D.

(Whit- field and Green.)—This is a volume of sermons addressed to a congre- gation at Manchester, "assembling for the worship of the Father," by their first minister. Dr. Beard is at issue with Churchmen on the subject of creeds and, rituals, and with the great body of Dissenters on the doctrines of the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures, and the eternity of punishment. He holds that the Spirit of Christ is identical with the Spirit of God, and rejects in consequence, wherever he finds it, whatever he considers inconsistent with the teaching of Christ. There is muck able discussion in these voluminous pages, and at the same time (as the author is apparently the founder of a church) much dogmatism and arbitrary drawing of distinctions.