19 AUGUST 1876, Page 1


PARLIAMENT was prorogued on Tuesday, the 15th inst., by Royal Message, in which the Queen is made to say that her efforts to bring about a settlement of the differences between the Porte and its Christian subjects have failed, and that the conflict has extended to Servia and Montenegro, but that she will be ready to mediate between the contend- ing parties, "bearing in mind alike the duties imposed upon me by treaty obligations, and those which arise from con- siderations of humanity and policy." The acceptance of the title, of "Empress of India" is explained as a record, "on an occasion of peculiar interest to me," of the "earnest solicitude which I feel for the happiness of my Indian people." The Queen trusts that the rulers of the Malay States will accept the recom- mendations and assistance of her officers ; notes the advance which has been made in the settlement of the Griqualand question to the cordial co-operation of neighbouring States ; and believes that the South-African Conference will tend to good ; regrets the increase of taxation ; reviews the five measures passed, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Commons Act, the Pollution of Rivers Act, the Judicature Act and the Vivisection Act, and trusts that the Universities Bill and the Prisons Bill may pass next Session. The only sentence in the Message, in fact, of the slightest moment is the one referring to mediation.