19 AUGUST 1916, Page 17

Milk and its Hygienic Relations. By Janet E. Lane-Claypon, M.D.,

D.Sc. (Lend.). (Longmans and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—This book, which is "published under the direction of the Meclioal Research Committee (National Health Insurance)," contains a very interesting "collection and critical summary of the published work upon the subject." Dr. Lane-Claypon 's treatment of her material has certainly justified the hope of the Committee that "those ignorant of scientific technology" should hereby be enabled "to appreciate the chief positions which knowledge has gained in this matter," and whether the reader is "responsible for the formation of public) opinion and for the deter- mination of administrative action," or for the health of individual children (and grown-up people as well), he will find here much that will be of interest and profit to him. Each chapter is introduced by a well-written summary, and followed by bibliographical references.