19 AUGUST 1949, Page 29

6, THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 543 [A Book Token

for one guinea will he awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword so be opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 30th. Envelopes muss be received not later than first post that day and Muff bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published tit the following issue.]


1, 9. Suggesting that Aristophanes was more imaginative than the Ministry of Town and Country Planning. (5, 6, 4.) 10. It would be impossible to write such books today. (10.) 11. An artist in hemp. (7.) 12. An essentially volatile hairdresser. (7.) 14. Hires apes (snag.). (9.) 16. An ancestor of the film. (5.) 19. Good looking people are employed to do it. (5.) 20. Scribes don't make much of it. (9.) 22. Nigel's favourite game when slightly out of form ? (7.) 24. A piece of equipment often associ- ated with coal industrially. (7.) 27. Meaning that a clique settles its critics with cash ? (3, 7.) 28. Didn't the first man care it (4.) 29. Save dearest I (snag.). (11.)


2. Fifty take port. (S.) 3. Only one stanza ? (8.) 4. " The early village - Hath twice done salutation to the morn " (Shakespeare). (4.) 5. It discharges shot or may be one itself. (6.) 6. 0 curb liar (anag.). (9.) 7. This seems just the contest for the long-winded. (8.) 8. Such a moon, perhaps, as illuminates 1 and 9. (4.) 13. " Sonorous - blowing martial sounds" (Milton). (5.) 15. Some brush (anag.). (9.) 17. They may be obtained from dim opals. (8.) 18. Aim up around Agnes. (8.) 21. It may be found in the goods Peru keeps exporting. (6.) 23. The last word in London corners. (4.) 25. Cross. (5.) 26. " - lives and lips, - hands of men freeborn " (Swinburne). (4.)