19 AUGUST 1955, Page 27


The engagement of persons answering these advertisements mad be made through a Local Office of the Ministry vi Labour or a Scheduled Employment Agency if the appli- cant is a man aged 1844 Inclusive or a Woman aged 18-59 Inclusive unless he or she, or the employment, is excepted from the provisions of the Notification of Vacan- des Order. 1912.

BBC requires Film Recordists for Television News and Newsreel, News Division. Candi- dates should be experienced in the operation 01 the recording component of combined sound and picture cameras (35mm. and tarprn.) and/or of mobile recording units, and should be able to undertake -running maintenance of recording gear in their charge. Knowledge of camera operation and ability to drive car ndvantagem. Candi- dates must be medically fit and ready to fly and to cover assignments at home or abroad at short notice. Salary £855 (possibly higher if qualifications exceptional) rising by 5 annual increments to £1,115 P.a. max. Re- quests for application forms (enclosing addressed envelope and quoting Reference '1159 Spt.') should reach Appointments Officer, BBC, Broadcasting House. London, W.1, within 5 days.

BBC requires four Producers for School Tele- vision programme. Duties Involve planning and production of programmes in experi- mental Television Service for schools and de- mand imaginative and inventive use of visual materials and ability to master tech- niques of Television production, includ- ing preparation of studio plans and camera Whits and control of gallery. Strong sense of educational possibilities of the medium With either first-hand knowledge of films or Television or varied teaching experi- ence essential. Science degree essential for one post and interest in current events for another. Successful candidates will be re- quired to undertake preliminary training with Television Service and/or School Broadcasting Department (Sound). Salary £1,220 (possibly higher if qualifications ex- ceptional) rising by 5 annual increments to £1,600 p.a. max. Requests for application forms and information on superannuation Of teachers serving the BBC (enclosing addressed envelope and quoting Reference '1161 Sp(.')' should reach Appointments Officer, BBC, Broadcasting House, Lon- don, W.1, within 5 days.

BBC requires Reporters for News Division In London with wide general knowledge current affairs, good news sense, journalis- tic experience and ability to write accurate concise reports tar bulletins and to broad- cast own reports in News Talks pro- grammes and Television News. Staff ex- perience (newspaper or BBC) as Reporter additional qualifications. Preferred age 25-45, Must be prepared for temporary assignments abroad at short notice. Vacan- cies exist at two grades with starting salaries £1.220 and £975 rising by 5 annual Increments to £1,600 and £1,280 p.a. max. Higher starting salaries possible for those with exceptional qualifications. Requests for application forms (enclosing addressed en- velumc and quoting reference '1155 Spt.') should reach Appointments Officer, BBC. Broadcasting House, London, W.1, within 5 days.

SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 846 ACROSS.-1 Alsike. 4 Cribbage. 9 Please. 10 Bandaged. 12 Anthemis. 13 Ashlar. 15 Teak, 16 Minutehand. 19 Greenhands. 20 Balm, 23 Milord. 25 Restrain. 27 Exposure. 28 Duetto. 29 Shelling. 30 Perrin. BBC requires Assistant Head of School Broadcasting (Television) to be responsible tinder Head of Educational Broadcasting for planning and supervision of an experi- mental Television Service for schools. Sub- stantial educational experience, adminis- trative capacity and an imaginative grasp of educational possibilities of the medium are essential. Interest in and knowledge of science and/or current affairs desirable since programmes are likely to be mainly in these fields at the start. Successful can- didate will be required to undertake pre- liminary training with Television Service and/or School Broadcasting Department (Sound). Salary £1,525 rising by 5 annual increments to £1,955 p.a. max. For candi- date of exceptional qualifications and ex- perience consideration given to appointment at higher grade. Requests for application forms and information on superannuation of teachers serving the BBC (enclosing addressed envelope and quoting Reference '1160 Spt.') should reach Appointments Officer, BBC, Iftoadcasting House, London. W.I. within 5 days.

HER MAJESTY'S OVERDEA CIVIL SER- VICE. Applications are invited for the fol- lowing post : A vacancy exists for a Chief Statistician (BCD.59/30/01) to undertake work in British Guiana similar to the func- tion of the Central Statistical Office in the United Kingdom. A good academic back- ground and wide practical experience are essential qualifications. The appointment is on contract terms for two or three years. Salary at the rate of £1,700 per annum. A gratuity Is payable on satisfactory com- pletion of contract. Generous home leave on full salary; free passages provided for the officer, his wife and children not exceeding five nermons in all, intending candidates should write for application forma to the Director of Recruitment (Oversee Service Division). Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London, S.W.1, from whom fur- ther particulars may be obtained.

KING GEORGE VI TRAINING SCHEME. The National Association of Mixed Clubs and Girls' Clubs Is once more accenting appli- cations for their long-term training course. Devised for voluntary and part-time leaders. rural and urban, work for the Certificate includes supervised practical training and a correspondence course for theoretical study. -For further particulars and application form apply The Education and Training Officer, 30 Devonshire Street, London, W.1.

This week in

The listener

Portrait of Bernard Shaw The first. of six weekly talks on famous Edwardian authors

ST. JOHN ERVINE A Sense of Responsibility LORD ISMAY

Changes in Asia since V.J.-Day