19 AUGUST 1955, Page 28


PAINTINGS' Daily 10-5.30, Sats. 10-1.

MODERN FURNITURE AND FURN- ISHINGS for bed-sitting-room by well- known designers.-HEAL & SON LTD., 196 Tottenham Court Road, London, W.I.

RUMANIAN BOOKS AND JOURNALS. Fascinating display of the latest Art, Music, Technical, Scientific, Educational and Literary works. Collet's Multilingual Book- shop, 67 Gt. Russell St., W.C.1, Sat. August 20th till Sept, 3rd. Weekdays ; 9.30-5.30. Sats. 9.30-1 p.m. Also wide selection of foreign books, dictionaries, grammars, from Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, E. Germany and Czechoslovakia.

WHITECIJIAPEL ART GALLERY. MON- DR1AAN. 1872-1944: retrospective exhibi- tion. Weekdays 11-6; Sundays 2-6; closed Mondays. Admission free. Adjoins Aldgate East Station.

WILLIAM ETTY. Exhibition of Paintings. ARTS COUNCIL GALLERY, 4 St. James's Square, S.W.1. Open till 10 Sept, Mons., Weds., Fris., Suits., 10-6; Tues. & Thurs. 10-8. Admission tree.


ALLWOOD'S Carnation Cut Flowers. The ideal gift for all occasions. Specially selected colours of mixed shades. Direct from the largest growers in the world. From 1 en. to 5 gns. a box. One quality only-the best. Write for catalogue. Allwood Bros. Ltd., 53 Haywards Heath, Sussex. Phone Wivelsfield Green 232/233.

BEST GERMAN BINOCULARS Issued to former U-Boat Commander gs good as day they were given me. 011ers7-Box 1157.

CANCER PATIENT (55655). Boy (14) of large family. Parents' income insufficient to provide him with the nourishing lords he needs. Please help us to care for hint (also thousands of other sad cases). Jewellery welcomed.-National Society for Cancer Relief. Dept. G.7, 47 Victoria Street, S.W.1.

CAREERS as Hotel Book-keeper/Recep- tionists,- Management, Dietitian Caterers. Medical Secretaries, Successful postal courses. Brochure 3d. Secretary, Southern Training College, Brighton 6.

CHRIS CHATAWAY Invites you to listen In to the Home Service of the BBC next Sunday at 8.25 p.m. when he will be mak- ing an urgent appeal for funds for the National Association of Boys' Clubs. What he has to say affects all of us.

CONTACT LENSES. Wear these wonder lenses while you pay for them. Choose your own practitioner, Details from the Contact Lenses Finance Co. Ltd., 4 (ts) Reece Mews, South Kensington. S.W.7.