19 AUGUST 1989, Page 21


Sir: Of course, Auberon Waugh isn't se- rious (Another voice, 22 July) when he asks, what do people expect when they go walking on the Pembrokeshire Coast Path dressed like ramblers, wearing shorts and knapsacks? They're bound to get mur- dered, aren't they? But, of course, it is true, as Mr Waugh suggests, that ramblers are not universally liked. However, most people who dislike us — and who are therefore presumably inclined to murder us — are gentry from Somerset and similar bastions of feudalism Who are unable to come to terms with the idea of people from humbler walks of life having rights (very limited rights, mind You) to wander over their land.

Perhaps the police, last reported as searching for a scruffy suspect believed to be a cyclist also wearing shorts, would be better advised to invite Mr Waugh to assist them with their enquiries?

Alan Mattingly


The Ramblers' Association, 1-5 Wandsworth Road, London SW8