19 DECEMBER 1840, Page 1

The accounts from Spain represent the military in Madrid to

have commenced a war with the press. Some journals which had published free comments on Esemennto have bad their offices at- tacked and their papers s,:i4eti. The parties to tit: se outrages, the officers of ditlhrent corps of the garrisonn se, in determined to exercise a vigorous and direct censorship. The Captains of the National Guard in one Instance tock part with the journalists, and offered to defend them against the threatened assaults of the mili- tary. The Government then interfered 1,1 prevent such a collision. The Regency, though they cannot countenance these outrages, are about to proceed tAilTtuaily aglinst th Opposition journals by more formal process. So at least it is asser:e.1; and the dismissal of a public functionary, M. 1)1: LA SAN.. for having shown too much favour to the press, exhibits clearly enough the tendency of EsrAn- TERO'S government in that particular.