19 DECEMBER 1840, Page 3

'line notes of the 1Valsall and Sf.dfordsliire Banking et/Illpany have

beers 111Shonourr,d by their town agents. Their operations have been of small magnify:de ; and we understand that the bank has stopped chiefly on aecount, we believe, of dispiths having arisen between the managers and direetors.--Merning

A malicious placard iv cc iststed on the door of Mr. ITionfrey's bank,

at Cambridge, on V'. I' evening, .; that for the present the business would be eneecieled. rew:.rd ,,f 111i u. is offered for the dis- covery of the offender.

At the Ilrece en Petty Sessions, on Satut.lay, Mr. Willi:ow:, a 'Magis- trate of the county. a as coovieted of profane swearing Wink. acting in hi: Magisterial capacity, unit the el et a November, and fined five shillings.

A dreadful conflict between three of th.• heepere on Sir 11 ugh lioare's estate and three poaebers tool: 1.1ace :LI Sonter..-t, en Tuesday evenintr. After a hard-fought bane,. eet of nine keepers inflicted a heavy blow on the head of one of the p ,.„ \Odell instantly deprived him of life. A verdict it .1 iuiii.iI 1 mticide " lets been returned by the Coroner's litrv. The moll(' it C.10 tieee3SVII WaS Adams. He was the champion of England at singie-sf ink.

Sfthpion ./.eiro,)/ mentions a thso-d wiIful attempt to set fire to the premises: it Mn. Phillilts. ef the New I. 'leo. near Newport. Shrop- shire. 'Ille first tire occurred on the 1st ef I tecenther : the second on the following Thursday ; and the third on Sunilly last. On the last occasion, two stacks of hay were fired. and :demi. thirty tons of may were destroyed beenre the flames could he ee I in ettished. William Bell, and a waggimer's latl, were committed on' Saturday, on suspicion of 'whig concerned in the first fires and Iiieletr I Itelltngliam and Charles Bellingham. hrotloars. were taken up on Monday. for the last fire. Charles Bellingham. it is said, hes centetesed that he committed the act at the instieation of' his brother I I icharl. On Inearing of the unfor- tunate affair. the Duteltess of Sittherland wro!k• a very kind note to Mrs. Phillips. requesting her to take nit her re:idemet at Lilleshall. The ihrke a!so sent refreshments and two barn Is of :de for the parties engaged in extinguishing the lire.

'Ph, p,,st—iti, houses aCj dning. we're' to- tally destroyed by tire on Sunday senitight. '('he letters were for- tunately all got out in safety.