19 DECEMBER 1840, Page 7

The convention between Commodore Napier and the Pasha of Egypt

was signed on the 27th of November. Both the convention and the correspondence which led to it have been published. The correspondence was opened by a letter from the Commodore to Boghos Joussouff Bey, written on the 23d. The Commodore requests the Pasha to send back all the Emirs and Sheiks who were sent to Alexandria in July by the Syrian authorities; and he strongly repre- sents to the Pasha the policy of giving up every thing but the hereditary Pashalic of Egypt. In the reply to this letter, dated on the same day, Boghos Bey cau- tions the Commodore against putting faith in the representations of the Turkish Rear-Admiral, twice a deserter—from the Porte and from the Pasha—from whom Boghos Bey probably assumed that the Commo- dore had received his information respecting the state of affairs in Egypt. An assurance is then given that the wishes of the Commodore respecting the captured Druse chiefs, had been anticipated. Boghos Bey intimates that they had not been altogether involuntary agents-

" Long since several of their chiefs have quitted Syria and settled at Cairo. At the news of the late events, they came of themselves to claim of the Pmmsha the permission to return to their compatriots, in order to act in the inte- rests of the Egyptian cause. Ten days ago they took the road to Syria. At their solicitation the Dense chiefs, who had been previously exiled to Nubia, were allowed to return to their homes : the order to this effect has been already executed."

And Boghos Bey politely observes, that an exchange of prisoners in behalf of the bruise chiefs, which had perhaps been verbally proposed by Captain Maunsell, was thus rendered unnecessary. With regard to the hereditary government of Egypt, Mehle:net All was awaiting official communications on the subject. He had never desired to limit himself in opposition to the wishes of the European Cabinets ; and he had already yielded to the proposition which left him the hereditary go- vernment of Egypt. He had only solicited the Porte to allow him also the life government of Syria, because he thought that in his hands it might offer great resources to the empire. Instead of replying to his request, hostilities were resorted to. It never was the intention of the Pasha to retain the Turkish fleet : by Sarni Bey he had already offered to restore it ; and it was on the point of sailing for Constantinople, when the commencement of hostilities stopped it. The passage in the reply relating to the evacuation of Syria is a little obscure, at least in the translation- " In respect to the evacuation of Syria, his Highness had believed it to be his right to wait for fresh orders from the Sublime Porte. You know, Com- modore, how the demand of the Viceroy was answered, who, from that time, thought it expedient to have recourse to the obliging [i/Jiciemmse] mediation of France ; thus manifesting his intention to enter into conciliatory ways, and his desire to see an end put to a state of things which his Highness is conscious not to have provoked. For the moment, the direct relations between the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army in Syria are interrupted, in consequence of the agitation of the country. It is with the sole idea of putting an end to disorder, and to insure the channel of corre- spondence between the army and Egypt, that the Viceroy has just directed to the frontiers is corps of troops, whose mission is the reestablishment of com- munications."

Commodore Napier was not to be put off by evasive answers. In his next letter, dated the 25th of Navember, [negotiations were con- tinued by verbal communication, through Captain Maunsell, on the 24th,] he brings Boghos Bey from diplomatic generalities to the points immediately at issue- " I wish to know from your Excellency whether, it' the Chiefs of the Druses have been sent back to Lebanon, your Excellency will say whether those Chiefs, carried off from Syria in last July, have returned to their homes? "I observed to your Excellency in my letter of yesterday, that it did not depend on my will to suspend hostilities by sea, unless his Highness the Pasha would restore the fleet and give orders to immediately evacuate Syria. Still less can I give any assmanee as to the interruption of military operations : on the contrary, I am quite persuaded that the operations will be continued until orders are given for the complete evacuation of Syria." He disclaims any knowledge of the proceedings of France; and then adds- " I can understand the feeling of his Highness in hesitating to do this until he receives officially, from the Allied Powers, their guarantee; but in the mean time I must do my duty. 1 desire greatly to avoid all effusion of Mood. War nitd disease have already done enough mischief, herefore, if his Highness will give orders that Syria be immediately evacuated, by sending transports to receive the troops, and consent to let the fleet get ready for sailing, I will not insist upon its departure for Constantinople until time Pasha be guaranteed in the hereditary government of Egypt. On these conditions I shall consent to sus- pend hostilities."

On the 26th, Boghos Bey says that the Druse chiefs who were living at Cairo had already been sent back to Syria ; and that those who were an Nubia bad been ordered to return to 1-1;2y pt, and should be perfectly free, on their arrival at Cairo, to go home. As to the Turkish fleet, the Pasha had "learned with great pleasure" that Commodore Napier "ad- hered to the proposal which he (Mehemet Ali) made to accomplish its restitution as soon as the decision of the Powers should be officially no- tified, " His Highness participated in the desire to put an end to lmostiii- ties; but as the transport of an army- with all its matiiriel by sea offered great difficulties, the Pasha was ready to order Ibrahim Pasha "to con- centrate his troops in order to their falling beets upon Egypt" ; and he offered to send a messenger for that purpose, to be accon: 11 pae.es au English officer accredited by the Commodore. " Ibrahim will thus be forced," observes Boghos Bey, "to evacuate Syria completely as soots as the decision of the Four Powers shall be known." The Commodore, in reply, remarks that the Egyptian troops were already 6` concentrated," and that his demand was the immediate evacua- tion ot Syria. And he offers to place at the disposal of the Pasha, a steani-boat, to convey the officer whom the Pasha should appoint, accom- panied by an English officer, with despatches for Ibrahim Pasha.

his Excellency Boyhos sonf Bey, 31inister hr liweiyn Affairs of his Highness the Viceroy of Eyypt, authorized specially by his Diyhness, on the other. Done and signed at Alexandria, dated Xoe. 271h.

"Art. I. Commodore Napier, in his above-named quality, having communi- cated to his Highness Mehemet All that the Allied Powers had recommended the Sublime Porte to reinstate him in the hereditary government of Egypt, and his Highness seeing in this communication a favourable circumstance to put an end to the calamities of war, his Highness engages lffinsalf to order his son Ibrahim Pasha to proceed to the immediate evacuation of Syria. His High- ness engages himself besides to restore the Ottoman fleet as soon as he shall have received the official notification that the Sublime Porte grants to Lim the hereditary government of Egypt, which concession is and remains guaranteed by the Powers. " Art. 2. LCommotlere Napier will place at the disposition of the Egyptian Government a steamer to conduct to Syria the officer designated by his High- ness to bear to the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army the order to evacuate Syria. The Commander-in-Chief of the Britannic force, Sir Robert Stopfurd, Will, on his side, name an offices. to watch the execution of this measure.

"Art. 3. In consideration of what precedes, Commodore Napier engages himself to suspend on the part of the Britannic forces hostilities against Alex- andria, or any other port of the Egyptian country. He will authorize, at the same time, the free navigation of the vessels destined thr the transport of the wounded, of the sick, or any other portion of the Egyptian army which the Govemnunemmt of Egypt might desire to have to return to this country by sea. " Art. 4. It is well understootat ;list the Egyptian army shall have the facility to rut ire from Syria with i:s artillery, arms, horses, munitions, baggage, and especially with all that constitutes the meterie/ of the army."

On the 27th, Commodore Napier had entered the harbour of Alex- andria for the purpose of superintendiug the preparation of the Turkish fleet, previously to its being restored.

Intelligence from Constantinople opens up new difficulties in the settlement of the Esstern question ; the Porte having decided to confirrn the deposition of Mehemet Ali. The Aforniny Chronicle of Tuesday announces the fact in the following terms-- " We learn that the Porte, after ten days' deliberation, haul decided upon confirming the deposition of Mehemet Ali. A valued correspondent at Con- stantinople writes us--' I fear this is a determination.' If the Porte intended to give way, no better opportunity could have offered than the removal of the recently-appointed Pasha, Izzet, from the Pashalie of Acre to that of Adri- anople. But strong measures are tile order of the day here ; and it is feared the Porte may persevere: We tra.4 this fear is not well-founded. It is need- less to say we lure no admirers of Mehemet Ali, but we think that his deposi- tion from the Pashalic of Egypt inay be avoid-1 witiona injury to the inte- rests of the Sul aus without slanT;er to the peace of En rope. and, if proper precaution be adopted, without ultimate disadvantage to Eg..1,':•. It should be borne in mind, that at the time the deposition of Mehemet A ii was confirmed, the views of the Emir Powers—eertainly not of Englaii.1—upon the propriety of' this step could not have been fitly known at Constantinople."

Letters from Constantinople, of the 29th Noyemb:sr, give a different version of the state of affairs. The negotiations betweeu the Ambassa- dors of the roar Powers and the Divan are stated to leive been very ac- tive, in consequence of the letter addressed by Lord P.dmerston to Lord Ponsonby, directing him to use his influence with the Sultan to revoke the deposition of Mehemet Ali. The Diyao, it is said, haul acceded, and was preparing the net of revocation.