19 DECEMBER 1868, Page 3

Yesterday and on Friday week the loading Foreign Bonds left

off at

the annexed quotations :—

Dec. 11.

Dec. 18.

Dee. 11. Dee. 18.

Brazilian, 1855 78 786

It UBBillt) (Angio-Dutch)

00 894 ptian, 1864 83/ 83 Spa Web, 1867 824 32f

Italian, 1861

663 556

T tirklah, 1858

63 z.d. GO*


151 15 1862 631 62

Yesterday and on Friday week the left off at the annexed quotations :—

leading British Railway Shares


Dec. 18.

Dec. 11. Dec. 18.

Great Eastern 404 41* Lo n., Chatham,& Dover 17 161 Great Northern 106 1064 hf etropolitan 1081 1024 Great Western 484 484 51 Mend 112 112 Lancashire& Yorkshire 1263 1274 N rth-Eaatern, Berwick 100 991 London & Brighton ... 486 48}

Do. York 87

791 871 Lon. & North-Western 1121 1113 Bo

79 Lon. & South-Western 88 87