19 DECEMBER 1908, Page 18



SIE,—Last week I met the manager of a colliery. I asked him how he felt with regard to the Miners Bill. He said :— "At last they have done us a good turn. With a reduced output and higher prices our collieries will do very well. And the funny part is," he added, smiling, "I voted for the Unionist Member at the elections!" If the State interferes with the natural operation of the law of supply and demand, there must be favouritism, and therefore some individuals must suffer. The Miners Bill favours a certain class at the expense of the whole of the rest of the nation. On the other hand, even if Protection brings generally the prosperity its advocates predict, what will be the lot of the unfortunate possessor of Government stock ? Prices will increase; he will get his miserable 24 per cent, and the value of his stock will diminish. Why can we not have a Voluntaryist Party in Parliament? There is every reason for its formation.—I am, Sir, &c., GLENN DALRYMPLE.