19 DECEMBER 1925, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR] •

you allow me a word on Bishop Gore's article on " Adult Education" ? The article omits to mention a very important fact regarding the Scheme of the Trades' Union Congress, which now includes the Workers' Educational Association along with the National Council of Labour Colleges. The object of this scheme is to equip the Workers for securing social and industrial emancipation." The W.E.A. has, therefore, accepted that as the object of the Scheme, and, I have reason to believe, it has, as is required by the Scheme, embodied this object in its own objects and statement of policy. If this is the case, can it be any longer said that the W.E.A. " owns no allegiance to any party or doctrine " ?

This change has occurred as a result of the pressure of the National Council' of Labour Colleges which has the great majority of the Trade Union Educational Schemes, and which stands for Education based on a clear recognition of the class- struggle. As the National Council of Labour Colleges is also a party to the Trades' Union Congress Educational Scheme, it is surprising that an article on Adult Education which refers to this scheme should omit any mention of the greater party so far as Trade Union Educational work is concerned.—I am, Sir, &c.,


(Secretary to the National Committee of the Scottish Labour College.) 1 Viewforth, Edinburgh.