19 DECEMBER 1925, Page 2

Nashat Pasha, the confidential adviser of King Fuad of Egypt,

has resigned, and this, no doubt, is only another way of saying that he has been dismissed at the suggestion of Lord Lloyd. We may hope now for less complicated • times in Egypt, for Nashat Pasha was the power behind the Throne. It was he who really ruled. He had no use for the Constitution and forced the King into a position of enmity towards all the political parties. Yet the King found it useful to have so strong an ally at hand, and is reported to have said that he would abdicate rather than part with Nashat Pasha. • The :Egyptian people,.

whole, have sorely needed support against the Palace. It. would have been better if they had managed to tri- umph over the Palace of their own -accord, but as they -would not or could not do that the next best thing was . that Lord Lloyd should do it for them. * * *