19 DECEMBER 1925, Page 21


The Editor offers two prizes of £5 each :- 1. For a new Tale for Children in not more than six hundred words of prose or silty lines of verse :

2. For a netO " BiOgraphy- for "Beginners," after the estab- lished model.

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.iThe original and classical example of ." Biography for Beginners " are . by Mr. Edmund Clerihew Bentley, and are published with illustrations by Mr. G. K. Chesterton in..a volume of that title (T. Werner Laurie, 6s. net). The form combines the virtues of order and liberty, being very rigorws in rhyme sequence and number of lines, and very free in rhythm and length of lines. For those of our readers who have forgotten the genre we will quote a couple of examples from Mr. Bentley's work.


The intrepid Ricardo With characteristic bravado, Alluded openly to rent Wherever he went.

Another example—with rather less biography in it—is the following :— JAN VAN EYCK.

The younger Van Eyck Was christened Jan, and not Mike.

The thought of this curious mistake Often kept him awake.

. The " Tales for Children " may he of any kind—fairy tales, fables, or ordinary narratives ; and they may be designed for for children of any age from infancy to fourteen or fifteen years. We arc leaving the competitions open well into the New Year, and hope that they will add to the joy and interest of the holiday season. Entries may be sent in at any time before the closing date.


1. All entries must be received on or before Friday, Jan. 22nd.

2. Competitors may send in as many entries as they wish, but each entry must bo accompanied by one of the coupons to be found on page 1166 of this issue.

S. The name and address (or the pseudonym) of every com- petitor must be written clearly at the foot of his manuscript.

4. The Editor cannot return any manuscript submitted for the competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitors.

5. The Editor reserves the right of printing any manuscript submitted.

6. Envelopes must be addressed : Competition, the Spectator 13 York Street, Covent Garden, London, W C. 2.