19 DECEMBER 1947, Page 27


NM= III• • II 11•11•••


1. Misprints about Otago. (11.) 9. Something wrong at Burlington House ? It must be a crooner. (7.) 10. One of these birds is woefully asso- ciated with a willow. (7.) 11. Firesides sprites. (10.) 12, 1 dn. A divided city makes the pub sad. (9.) 14. The right poet to embrace a donkey. (5.) 15. The bollard gets something for nothing. (8.) 17. " Of - and blackest midnight born " (Milton). (8.) 19. Quartz of coffee ! (5.) 22. A poem that turns to ennui. (4.) 23. Near relative, perhaps, of the author of "The Epping Hunt." (10.) 26. Unfriendly exclamation of a lame dog, possibly. (7.) 27. One of the natives of the Land o' Cakes. (7.) 28. Not another name for a wardress. (6, 5.)


1. See 12.

2. Its conductor certainly has punch. (7.) 3. One more likely to be interested in fixed than movie stars. (10.) 4. Once thought to know all the answers. (6.)

5. " I- an ode And it turned to a sonnet " (Dobson). (8.)

6. Give the book to me. (4.) 7. Her theme song might have been " They'll Never Believe Me." (9.) 8. Appropriate size for today's ration or (6.) 13. Outlined. (10.)

14. The product of this tree may, so to speak, become incensed. (9.)

16. A room full of 24. (8.) 18. The old Sappers at dinner ? (6.) 20. 4 must take an aspirate before pro- ducing this. (7.) 21. No hurry ! (6.) 24. " Desperate - of derring do "

(Gilbert). (5.)

25. The youngster is so attached to us all. (4.)