19 DECEMBER 1952, Page 16

By Lough Fea in the Mountains

Once on a time by Lough Fea in the mountains The tall grass was shaking and I, come to climb To the crest of the mountak§ with a heart I thought breaking, Stood still for a time by Lough Fea in the mountains.

Sadly I stood by the brink of the water My eyes on tht hillside ; of a sudden my blood Ran as wild as the water that broke in a white tide Below where I stood by the brink of the water.

I was alone like the mill-girl was singing As she stepped on the heather, and the heart that was stone Leapt to life at her singing, and coming together We were alone and the hill-wind was singing.

O what dead leaves were burned by Lough Fea in the mountains That morning together, for then my heart learned Love is not like the mountains but frail as a feather Or the dead leaves we burned by Lough Fea in the mountains.

I. H.