19 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 13


.. STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVEIVI:40.—It has been seldom, for some time back, that we have had to make our: report of a week the transactions of which have been so few or so devoid of interest as the present. The extreme range of Consols has been SO* to 80*; and notwithstanding the now near approach of the settling-day, nothing seems to move the speculators to sell or to buy.

The abandonment of the Transfer-tax had been anticipated on Saturday, and therefore produced no rise in price when it was known on Monday and Tuesday; and the disturbances at Paris, which were known here yesterday morning, pro- elueed as little effect the other way ;—in short, we hardly recollect of any period when the Market presented so few indications whereby the future might be judged of. Money is still plentiful, and Stock for immediate transfer scarce ; two facts that would be deemed most favourable in ordinary times, but which at present do not constitute any safe criteria.

Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are tolerably steady at last week's prices.

In the Foreign Market, there is as little to notice as in the British. Prices ge- nerally are the same, almost to a fraction, as they were last week ; and the death of Bolivar, reported and believed to-day, has not had the slightest effect on the South American Bonds. Spanish Bonds have undergone some trilling fluctuations, not of importance enough to deserve more particular notice.

In Shares, there is not much doing ; but they are all lower in price ; the depressed and, restless character of the Consol Market having put an end for the moment to all speculation.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELYE.—Consols opened at SO1 buyers, but fell im- mediately to 791 upon a perusal of the debate of last night on the army estimates. The price now is 79,3 to SO; but there is very little business in the English, and none at all in the Foreign Market.

Bank Stock .... 2011. 3 per Cent. Red. SO* 2 3 per Cent. Cons. 501 SO 31 per Cent. New 891 .Consols for Acct. 81.11790 Long Annuities 17 3-16 * Ex. Bills, 1000/. 32 33 India Bonds 13 12


Buenos Ayres... — Chilian ... 20 21 Colombian .....1S 17* Danish ..... . 59k Si) Greek......... 26 28 Mexican ....... 364 37 Peruvian ....... 14 15 Portuguese...-. 43 44 Russian. ..... 021 03

Spanish 17 Ditto, New


Bolanos....... — Brazilian .... 53 56 Colombian . — AngloMexican.. — United Mexican 102 llf