19 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 16


The two armadillos from South America, which have for some time been objects of great attraction at the Zoological Gardens, have proved to be male and female; and, to the astonishment of naturalists, the female recently produced two young ones ; but these interesting creatures only lived three days.—Morning Herald.

IT is a vulgar charge against philosophers, that they frequently study the intricacies of science with an attention so profound and exclusive, that they end in being perplexed by the plainest propo- sition. It would- seem that the zoologists of London have so lost themselves in the depths of natural history, that they are greatly astonished at the most, ordinary processes of nature. They put two armadillos together, according to the newspapers : they prove to be male and female, and then, to "the astonishment of the naturalists," two interesting little armadillos are born. Mr. VIGORS, we suppose, was too intent upon cramming all nature into his quincunx circles, to think of any other mode of gyration. Had the Secretary put two ten-pound notes in a box, and after a time found an increase by two little interesting one-pounds, there would have been some room for the astonishment of naturalists.