19 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 8

The Belgian Congress have determined on the election of a

Lieutenant-General, who shall act as head of the state until the question of the future Sovereign is set finally to rest. The depu- tation at Paris, through SURLET Ds CHOILIER, their chief, have communicated to Congress the bad success of their endeavours to overcome the reluctance of the French Government and of Louts PHILIP to consent to the choice of the Duke de NEMOURS. The question of the Duke de NEMOURS' accession, as well as that of the Prince de LEUCHTENBERG'S, has been put to rest by the announce- ment of our own Foreign Secretary. De POTTER has written to the Belgic Congress, recommending a republic ; and M. de ROBAULX made a motion on the same subject on the 14th, but was put down on a point pf order. D'Il000vonsr has resigned his situa- tion in the Provisional Government, but retains the command of the National Guard. There appears to have been a good deal of coquetry on the part of the French Government, in respect to the settlement of the Belgian monarchical question; but, after so re- peated assurances, we must believe them sincere in their concur- rence with the opinion of the Allies. The object of the Allies evidently is, to weary the Belgians into an acceptance of the Prince of ORANGE.