19 FEBRUARY 1842, Page 2

Sir ROBERT PEEL told Colonel Fox, on Tuesday, that he

had no official information as to the movements of CABRERA ; who is un- derstood to be in Paris, under the sufferance of the French Govern- ment, concerting measures for the new insurrection in Spain. The question gave occasion to Sir ROBERT to express a hope that the Spanish Government will have strength to resist the machinations of its enemies ; a sentence which, from the mouth of the British Premier, may be of solid use to ESPARTERO. Nevertheless, it cannot countervail the more active countenance shown to the conspirators by Louis PHILIPPE; whose capital is now the notorious rendezvous for Spanish rebels. As you would go to St. Giles's to look for a thief, so you may go to Paris if you seek a traitor from Spain. It is to be hoped that our new Government, so boastful of business-like habits, is not to be cajoled by the King of the Barricades into quiescence while the next Spanish rebellion of the season is rehearsed in the French capital ?

At the same time that Spain prepares to unmask the plotters, she is obliged also to watch her frontiers ; for Portugal threatens them with disorders, disturbed as she is by a new revolution, which seems to advance to maturity almost before leading men know and determine on which side they are to be.

The only other item of foreign news is the " triumph" of the French Ministry over M. Ducos's motion of" Parliamentary Re- form," as it is called—that is, to add some 20,000 to the number of electors for all France. Such contests are mere matter of gossip: M. GUIZOT observed truly, we dare say, that the French people do not care for such questions of political rights.