19 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 12



In the course of yesterday, all doubt as to the financial course to be adopted by the Government was dissipated by the appearance of a notice for the renewal of the Exchequer Bills arriving at maturity in March next; which are to be ex- changed for new bills, bearing an interest of twopence-halfpenny per cent per diem, instead of threepence as at present. The interest receivable on the new bills will consequently be 31. 16s. Oid. per cent per annum, instead of 41. lls. 3d. now paid. For some time before the-notice appeared, the intentions of Govern- ment were known; and in the course of yesterday afternoon a rise in the price of the Funds commenced, and continued till this morning, when an advance to the • extent of per cent in the prices of yesterday was observable; Consols for Money having reached 904, while the price for Account did not go beyond 90. A slight reaction has since occurred; the closing quotations being 894 both for Money and Account. Money is very abundant; the rate of commercial discount being about 3per cent, while in the Stock Exchange loans are easily obtained upon the security of English Stock at the rate of 2 per cent per annum. Nothing but this abun- dance could have produced the present improvement in prices, as for some days the sales of Stock by the public generally have been considerable. The Stock thus thrown upon the market will, however, on the Account-day (the 24th in- stant) be absorbed by the wants of the speculators for a fall, who will then be compelled to close their accounts, and by the large amounts that will be taken by the Bauk'of England, bankers, and other capitalists, who have been forced into the Funds as the only means of employing their capital.

The transactions of the Foreign Market have been very unimportant, and the variations in prices so trifling as not to allow of any remarks. The principal Railway Shares have been without material fluctuation. There is an improvement of about 21. in South-western, and an advance of about 11. in Midland. .

The adjourned meeting of Brighton Shareholders, on Monday, resulted in the appointment of a Committee to investigate and report upon the accounts, and in the adoption of the report of the Directors so far as the declaration of a dividend of 11. per share for the half-year just ended, and the giving them power to raise some specified sums of money, formed part of it. The other portions and the meeting were adjourned for six weeks; when the report of the Committee will 4 is expected, be ready. Meetings of the Great Western and South-western were held yesterday. At the former, the Directors proposed a dividend of si per cent; some of the pro. prietors proposed one of 4 per cent; and the question is to be decided by a ballot to close this afternoon. At the latter, a dividend of 21, or at the rate of 8 per cent per annum upon the capital stock, was declared.

The accounts of the Bauk of England, for the week ending the 12th February, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results—.

BANKINO DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

41,027 808,732 £337,182 93,583 21,007 545,022 989,310 617,295 372,015 382,970

This week, Last reek.

Total Bullion In both Departments 14,204,724 13,821,754 Actual Circulation itcsta,edo 19,135,955


The English Fonda have declined 1 per cent; the prevailing opinion being that• the Minister will not be able to carry his financial plan. Consols for Account opened at 894, reached 894, and, as a general disposition to sell has since pre- vailed, have fallen to 894, at which price there are now sellers. The transactions in the Foreign Funds have been trifling, and prices are the same as yesterday. In the Railway Share Market, the following are the principal bargains as yet re- corded: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 24} 4; Great North of England, 233; Great Western, New 171., 104; Brighton, 364 i ex d.; South-western, 52; Ditto, New 501., 314; Ditto, Consolidated Tenths, 44; Dittos Thirds, 2 discount; Man- chester, Buxton, and Matlock, i ; York and North Midland, 73; Ditto, Prefer- ence, 154; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension, 34.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents 891 ; 894 f 894 4 904 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents.

Mexican 5 per Cents 1846

83 5 544 854 4 184 194

Long Annuities 8 15-16 9 New Grenada 20 2l Bank Stock 200 202 ' Portuguese N.4 perCents1842 26 7 .- Exchequer Bills St 29 prem.' Portuguese Old 1824.4

79 8

India Stock 240 244 Restart 5 per Cents ..,.,.,.,..,?


Brazilian 5 Per Cents 85 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Copts 211 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 89 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 184241.. 314 24 Buenos Ayres

30 Venezuela ', I..

38 40 Chill= 6 per Ceuta

91 3

,41.111:341o2 011


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and eth Victoria, cap. 92, for the 'week ending on Saturday, the 12th day of February 1848.


Notes issued C17,552,8115 Government Debt ...... £11,015,100

Other Securities 2,964309

Gold Coin and Bullion 12,139,890

Silver Bullion 1,443,015




Proprietors' Capital

£14,553,000 Government Securities,


llest 3,605,025 eluding Dead WeightAnnulty)E11,574 ,921

Public Deposits.

, 5,382,793 Other Securities 19,343,570 Other Deposits 9,961E45 Notes 9064,238 Seven Day and other Bills .... 901,590 Gold and Silver Coin 621,829 £34,604,555 £34,004,555

• IncludingExchequer, sayings Banks, Commissioners ofNatIonalDebt & Dividend AMU.

Rest Public Deposits Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, Including Dead.weight..

Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation


Notes Issued Bullion