19 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 1

The phrase " complete reconstruction " of the Navy, applied

by Mr. Disraeli to Sir John Pakington's naval measures, is not borne out by the Navy Estimates. The grand total of the naval vote is 9,813,181/. ; a net increase of 961,8101. upon that of last year. This additional sum will be expended on stores, wages, and steam machinery. Upon ships to be built by con- tract 250,0001. are to be spent. The force afloat is to be aug- mented by 3000 men ; the Navy proper absorbing 40,000 offi- cers, seamen, and boys ; the coast-guard, afloat and ashore, 7400. The marines are not to be increased. These are hardly the figures that we should have seen had that achievement been required which Mr. Disraeli, indicated—the complete reconstruc- tion of the Navy.