19 FEBRUARY 1881, Page 14


OD THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sca,—You express an opinion that the Vicar of Prestbury may eventually be the only victim of the recent persecution. But there is another case in the same diocese which ought not to Ise forgotten, Mr. Ward, of St. Raphael'a, Bristol, has been inhibited for nearly three years, becutuae he refused to give up a ritual which had been in use, with the entire concurrence of a- large congregation, for ten or twelve years. The case was one of great hardship, because St. Raphael'a was not a parish church, and. the Bishop took action on the complaint of throe persons who had no right to attend the church, and whose names, were carefully concealed..

If the Bishops resent the charge of intolerance, and if it is well understood that tolerance is to be the rule in future, the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol will at once reinstate Mrs Ward. It only needs a stroke of his pen,—I am, Sir, &we NICHOLAS POCOCK.

Is' Worcester Terrace, Clifton, February 14th.