19 FEBRUARY 1898, Page 24


Bailey (L. H.), Lessons with Plants, er 8vo (Macmillan) 7/3 Ballad of Reading Gaol (The), by C. 33, 8vo (Smithera) 2/6 Bates (K. L.), American Literature, Cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6/9 Beaman (E. Hulme.), The Prince's Diamond, or 8v0 (Hutehinson) 6/9 Bennett (B. H.). Astrology: Science of Knowledge and Reason (Nichols) 12/6

Besnier (B.), Atlas of Skin Diseases and Syphilitic Affections, folio (Rebman) 147/0"

Bickersteth (E.), Our Heritage in the Church, Cr 8v0 (S. Low) 5/0 Bodington (E. J.), A Short History, Sc., of Apostles' Creed, 12sno(Elimpkin) 3/6 Boldrewood (R.), Plain Living : a Bush Idyll, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Boothby (G.), Billy Bloke, Hero, and other Stories, or Elvo ... (Chambers) 3/6.

Brandes (G.), William Shakespeare : a Critical Study, 2 vols. (Eleinemann) 24/0 Chambers's English Dictionary, edited by T. Davidson, imp8vo (Chambers) 12/6 Channing(L), A Student's History of the United States, or 8vo (Macmillan) 8/6

Cheiro's Guide to the Hand or 8vo (Saxon) 2/6 Corbett (J. S.), Drake and the Tudor Navy, 2 vole. 8vo (Longmans) 36/0 Covertside (N.), The Secret of a Hollow Tree, Cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 610. Crane (W.), The Bases of Design, 8v0 (Bell) 18/0 De Hamong (L.). A Study of Destiny, or 8vo (Saxon) 2/6 Dollar (J. A. W.), A Handbook of Horse-Shoeing, 8vo (Douglas) 15/0 Dunning (W. A.). Essays on the Civil War, Sc., cr 8vo (Macmillan) 7/6 Fitzgerald (0. B.). The Fatal Phial, cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Fitzgerald (W. W. A.), Travels in the Oosstlands of British East Africa, 8vo (Chapman & Hall) 28/0' Ganthony (R.), Random Recollections, Cr 8vo (Drane) 6/0 Gleicben (Count), With the Mission to Menelik 1897 8voi Arnold) 16/0

Handbook for Writers and Artists, by a London Editor, or 8vo (Deacon) 2/6

Harrod's Royal Despatch of Great Britain and Ireland, roy Ehro (Harrod) 12/6. Hay (J. (1. D.), Lines from My Log-Books, 8vo (Douglas) 10/0 Haydon (T.), Sporting Reminiscences, or 8vo (Bliss & Sands) 6/0 Heinemann iW.), Summer Moths, 4to (Lane) 8/6 Henley (W. E.), and Another, Macaire, or 8vo (Heinemann) 1/6 Hope (A.), Simon Dale, or 8vo (Methuen) 6/0 Housman (L.), Spikenard, or 8v0 (Richards) 3/6 Hulbert (EL H ),and Another, Exercises for Health, or 8vo (Pearson) 3/6 Junor (C.), Dead Men's Tales, or 8vo (Sonnenschein) 2/9 King CO.). The General's Double, Cr 8vo (Lippincott) 13/0 King (E. G.), The Psalms in Three Collections: Part 1, First Collection (Parts 1-41), 4to (Bell) 6/0 Leys (J. K.), At the Sign of the Golden Horn, or 8vo (Newnes) 316

Macdonald (J. W.), A Clinical Text-Book of Surgical Diagnosis and Treat-

ment, roy Sin (Rebman) 28/0 March (F.), Vindicta, 12mo (H. Marshall) 3,11" Mathew (F.), The Spanish Wine, 12mo (Lane) 3/6 Middleman's (J.), Blanche Conitigham's Surrender, cm Elvo (F. V. White) 6/0 Morris (J.), What will Japan do ? cr 8vo (Lawrence & Bullets) 316

Nesfield (J. C.), English Grammar Past and Present, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6,

Norris (W. E.), Thirlby Hal', or 8vo (Bentley) 6/0 Novels & Novelists: Chapters on the Waverley Novels, Limo (W. H. Allen) 7/6 Poor Max, by "Iota," or Eivo (Hutchinson) 6/0 Porter (H.), Campaigning with Grant, 8vo (Unwin) 21/0 Powell (G. Baden) The Saving of Ireland, 8vo (Blackwood) 7/6 Ramsay (A.), Researches on Tuberculosis, 8vo (Smith & Eider) 2,6 Redmond (J. E.), Historical and Political Addresses, 1883-1897, 8vo(Simpkin) 5/0 Scidmore (E. IL), Java: the Gtrden of the East, cr 8vo (Sonnenschein) 7/6 Select Documents Illustrative of the History of the United States, 1776- 1861, edited by W. Macdonald, Cr 8vo (Macmillan) 10/0

Simon (D. W.), Some Bible Problems, or 8vo ( • 4 /0

Steuart (J. A ), The Minister of State, or 8vo (Heinemann) 6/0 Stoker (B.), Miss Betty, or 8vo (Pearson) 2/6 1:1s-sher (R.), Neo-Malthusianism, or 8so (Gibbings) 6/0 Walsh (W. 8.), Cnriosites of Popular Customs, Sc., or 8vo (Gibbings) 12/6' Warner (F.), The Study of Children, or Svo (Macmillan) 4/6 Wells (L. R.), Sunday-School Success, 12mo 8 8 IE ) 3/6

Whitehead (A. N.), A Treatise on Universal Algebra, Vol. I. (Camb. U. P.) 21/0 Wright G. F.), Scientific Aspects of Christian Evidences, Cr 'Ivo (Pearson) 7/6 Zola (ILL Paris, or 8vo (G'hatto & Windas) 316