19 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 3

Sirm Fein incendiaries caused seven fires at works in Man-

cheater, Rochdale, and neighbouring towns last Saturday night. In two Manchester works the night watchmen were overpowered by armed ruffians, who then proceeded to set the premises on fire. Fortunately, no great damage was done, except in two mills leer Oldham. It is strange that the Sinn Feiners should fail to see the folly of "direct action" of this kind. The cotton operatives who were thrown out of work by these acts of arson will assuredly not be disposed to favour an " Irish Republic." Three of the Sinn Feiners who set fire to Liverpool warehouses last November were convicted at the Assizes on Monday. Two of them were sent to penal servitude for ten years for con- spiracy to murder and to commit arson ; a third man received two years' imprisonment.