19 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 19

A GOOD CUP OF COFFEE [To the Editor of the

SrEc-raTon.] SIR,—The writer of the article, " The Welcome of an Inn," complains of the difficulty of getting well-made coffee, not- withstanding the variety of coffee-machines on the market, and the good coffee that can be obtained anywhere. May I offer a recipe for making excellent coffee in three minutes without any machine, not even a coffee-pot !

The best results are obtained when the beans are ground fresh, and a teaspoonful ofiflleehe chicory put in the drawer of the coffee-mill each time it is filled.

RECIPE.—lst. Have a fireproof jug with a cover, holding a pint and a half. 2nd. Warm the jug. 3rd. Put in three heaped dessertspoonfuls of coffee. 4th. Just damp this with boiling water, and let it stand one minute. 5th. Fill the jug with boiling water. 6th. Stir with a wooden spoon for two minutes.

Now it is ready. Any coffee not consumed can be bottled for future use.—I am, Sir, &c.,