19 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 2

Dr. Haden Guest, the well-known Labour member, courageously did his

best to prevent his party from going to a division on a thoroughly mischievous amendment. He failed, in spite of the fact that many members of the Labour Party were notoriously unconvinced that the amendment was a wise move. It need hardly be pointed out that its effect in China, if it has had any, must have been to delay rather than to hasten peace. It is to be noticed that the debate was followed by the further postponement of the signing of the Hankow Agreement. It seems that Mr. MacDonald is trying to hold his party together at the expense of the nation. He unsays one day what he has said the day before. The exasperating result is, however, that he gets little credit for skill and none for strength. The Opposition is more ineffectual in the House of Commons than it has ever been.