19 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 35

This Week in London


Monday, February 21st, at 5.30.- THE ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE OF RoeRs. By Mr. W. T. Gordon. in the Lecture Theatre of the Imperial College of Science, Exhibition Road, South Kensington.

Also at 8 p.m.--EARLY STUART GRAPHIC AND PLASTIC ART. By Mr. A. Forbes. Sieveking. in the Reference Library, Town Hall, Gloucester Place, W. 1.

Tuesday, February 22nd, at 3.45 p.m.-- THE Dinac-r METHOD IN Eot.cArioN.- By Dr. Rouse. Under the auspices of the Parents' Association. At 47 Cadogan Place, S.W.

, Also at 5.30 p.m.- THE BELLINI AND THEIR FOT.I.OWERS. By Professor Percy Demmer. In the Great Hull, King's College, Strand.

Also, at 8.30 p - THE CUSTODIAN OF THE TRADITION. By Professor J. O. de Montmorency. At the Royal Anthropological Institute, 52 Upper Bedford Place, Russell Square, W.C. I.

Wednesday, February 23rd, at 8 p.m.-SYRIA AND PAI ESTINE To-DAY. By Mr. H. W. Nevinon.. At Denison House, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1. Tickets. from the Union of Demo- cratic Centro], 34 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.

Friday, February 25th, at 5 p.m.- THE EARLY LIFE or CAVOI7IL By Rev. Arthur Whyte. At the British-Italian League, 74 Grosvenor Street, W. 1.

Saturday, February 26th, at :3 p.m.---BEETHOVEN. By Dr. J. B. MeEwen. At the Royal Institute of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, W. 1.


THE ASTORIA.- Don Juan. Byron would be astonished-- but as a perfectly meaningless visual entertainment the film is first rate.

THE PLAZA.-The Kid Brothers. Harold Lloyd's new comedy.

- MANY • Cucemmt.----figitting Butler. The . perfection of neat humour: Weirmly recent-Mended.