19 FEBRUARY 2000, Page 31

Tyrolean fairy tales

From Mr Claus von Biilow Sir: John Laughland argues persuasively that the EU's attack on JOrg Haider is 'fur- ther evidence of its socialist globalism' Mow the Left has won the Cold War', 5 February). However, Austria's track record in the history of Nazism has been well doc- umented by The Spectator's own Paul John- son, who pointed out that the vast majority of Austrians welcomed the Anschluss and volunteered in disproportionate numbers for Nazi party membership, for the SS and for cushy jobs as concentration-camp guards. Postwar Western leaders were so anxious to keep the geographical area of Austria outside the Iron Curtain that they spin-doctored history and joined the Aus- trians in pretending that every Austrian had, during the war, been a yodelling ski- teacher, and that Hitler was German and Beethoven Austrian. This was justifiable realpolitik. It enabled a man like Kurt Waldheim to become secretary general of the UN and, later, president of Austria, and made it possible for the Austrians, unlike the Germans, never to have to say sorry.

Even if Haider is unjustly attacked by the EU socialists, he must realise that his com- patriots' mendacious and unrepentant record would make him vulnerable.

Claus von Billow

London SW7