19 FEBRUARY 2000, Page 59


A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's award-winning, Late- Bottled Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 6 March, with two runners-up prizes of £20 (or, for UK solvers, the latest edition of The Chambers Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries to: Crossword 1451, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N


The unclued lights are of a kind, verit able in Chambers.

Name Address ACROSS 1 After two months small edition is devised (8) 8 Changing-hut without one shopping bag (4) 12 Ron's cigars rolled with inter- twined fibres (10, hyphened) 15 This common right is French during Sabbath (8) 19 Cutting ditch with worker (9) 20 Remote settlement's mail-office (4)

21 Composer of Parsifal, a loud

piece (4) 24 Small-time (6) 27 Small cake and meat-pie with recipe included (6) 29 Weight of fish (appropriately) (4)

30 Tense Greek character with

model car (4) 34 Two girls return holding posh tracing (9) 37 Bowlers' flies (8) 38 Is seen during awful rains from Alpine glaciation (7) 39 see 6 (6) 41 Capuchin caught the boat (4) 42 Boats giving choice and large

DOWNquantity, as heard (8)

1 Properly casting net in Clyde, at sea (8) 2 It removes mistakes from the

Times, hesitantly? (6) 4 Assembly member calling ainct,

dispensing tonics (14) 5 True copy with points to upon (7) 6 Bird changes 39 in sports car (8, two words) 7 Where to find a snip — and profit — in two sales tables (14, two words) 9 Andrew's lost his heart again (4) 10 Dry American wig (6) 11 Help guitar player, having no book (6) 22 Ring islands up for Italian port

23 Caught ught right on film, partly stuck and unable to move (8)

25 flower's finials (4) 26 Groups of undergarments and pieces of armour (8) 28 Fitting into a beetle and fitting into a plug (7) 33 Carpet from posh car with haz- ard outside (5) 35 Release Frenchman from 24, in agony (5) 36 Remodelled 41 cells (4)

Solution to 1448: 10

The UNCLUED LIGHTS when preceded or followed by LIGHT (the unclued LIGHT at 1 Down) are phrases verifi- able in Brewer.

First prize: Ronald Matthews, London. Runners-up: Dr R.J. Bell, Middlesex; Peter West, Derbyshire.