19 JANUARY 1833, Page 6

The agricultural inhabitants of the countyof Sussex are about to

pre- I sent a memorial, numerously signed, to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, representing " That the memorialists, after much ! consideration, are of opinion that the most effectual mode of suppress- ing incendiarism would be the remission of at least two-thirds of the duty of three shillings per annum on every RV. of agrieulturrj property I Insured against fire (levied under the authority of an Act of the 55th George III.), thereby inducing insurances to be general, and counter- lifting the malicious motive of the incendiary, namely, the infliction of injury, if not ruin, on the object of his resentment. [The taxes on insurance are extremely impolitic in themselves ; and they ought to be 'repealed on that account. The notion of their encouraging the ma- :limns incendiary, is rather too far-fetched.] Mr. Portman gave notice at the last Dorsetshire Sessions of a .motion for the next Sessions to the following effect—" That the dis- .cussions connected with the business of the county rates be held in open Court." This may be looked upon as the most important event which has ever pended over the fi.iancial business of the county.— .Exeter Times.

We understand that the Dissenters of the different denominations in • Birmingham are about to co-operate with the Committees in London, in conjunction with all the respectable congregations throughout the United Kingdom, to petition the new Parliament and Legislature to procure the privilege of having the marriage-ceremony performed in their own respective places of worship, and by their own ministers, as well as to obtain freedom"from their other disabilities, and restoration to equal rights, laws, and immunities with their fellow subjects. Their increasing wealth, numbers, and intelligence, will make it impossible for any Government, based on the principles of equity and justice, to withhold those reasonable claims from the Dissenter.—Birmingham . Journal. [The difficulty which the English Dissenters have hitherto experienced in procuring permission to be married by their own minis- ters, arises from the fear of losing their fees on the part of the clergy of the Establishment. We believe, however, that the Dissenters are • willing to arrange this matter in a way which will satisfy the clergy. They are willing to pay the legal fees to the parson of the parish. That English Dissenters should be placed on a worse footing in this respect than their brethren in Ireland and Scotland, is quite absurd.] A meeting of delegates from various districts respecting the Ten : Hours' Bill, has been called by M. T. Sadler, Esq., at Bradford, to make arrangements for again bringing the subject before the House of

Commons early in the ensuing i Session of Parliament. On the autho- rity of the Leeds Mercury, it s currently believed that Lord Morpeth,

one of the members for the county of York, will introduce, early in the • session, a measure equally comprehensive with Mr. Sadler's. His Lordship was on the Committee for receiving evidence in the last Parliament, and though thought to be influenced by the large mill- owners, yet he watched the evidence with great care. We believe the inquiry has had the effect of causing many individuals who were before unwilling to alter Sir J. C. Hobhouse's Bill, to be disposed to grant the protection sought by the operatives. We understand that many influential mill-owners coincide with the operatives in their views.— Bolton Chronicle.