19 JANUARY 1833, Page 7


Lord Anglesey quits Ireland on the 25th, under the pretext of taking the oaths in a new Parliament, and thereby qualifying himself for leav- ing his proxy with the Premier ; but we pledge ourselves upon un- questionable authority, that he will never return as Viceroy. A mere change of men will, however, effect no substantial Lencfit for the country; there must be a distinct and decided alteration in measures. The laws must be duly administered, and rigorously—ay, and severely enforced. Protection must be afforded to Protestant life and property; and some plan adopted in the selection of jurors on criminal cases by which the ends of justice may be attained, and the perpetrators of crime punished ; whole districts must for a season be deprived of the benefits of the constitution, and martial law be resorted to in place of the civil code ; seditious societies must be abolished, insurrectionary meetings suppressed, the priests kept in order, and demagogues put down, &c. Mr. O'Connell and his party defy the Executive to administer the af- fairs of Ireland in a spirit of firmness. Let but the Executive manifest a fixed determination to exert its strength and seek the support of those capable of giving it, and in one week they will have the brawlers tame and tranquil.—Dublin Evening Mail.

A rumour is afloat, that Sir William Macmahon is about to retire from the Bench upon the usual pension, and an English Peerage ; that the Attorney-General succeeds to the Rolls ; and Sergeant Perrin to the vacancy opened by his promotion.

Messrs. Gladstone, Jones, and Archdale have refused to attend the "National Convention" of the Irish Members of Parliament, pro- posed to be held in Dublin on the 18th.

We have been informed through an authenticated source, that the Marquis of Anglesey has kindly received the representation of Messrs. Blackney and Wallace on the state of the county, and returned the following reply, namely, "that he had no notion of granting an in- crease of the police force, unless such a resolution be passed in opera court."—Carlow Morning Post. [The Marquis of Anglesey is too well acquainted with the state of party feeling in Ireland, to grant the hasty, though sometimes insidious demands for increased force, whiclr the Magistrates in many parts of the country are in the habit of pri- vately making. Under the old Orange dominion, there would have been no difficulty in procuring any number of dragoons and armed police from the authorities at the Castle.]

It appears that the Crown is resolved upon proceeding with the pro- secution of William O'Reilly, Esq., M. P. for Dundalk, on account of his opposition to the payment of tithes. Notice to plead was served upon his attorney on Saturday last. —Dublin Morning Register. [Cer- tainly, if the poor cotters are to be prosecuted for their miserable two and sixpenny debts, a member of Parliament should not be allowed to go scot free.]

Lord Blayney, whose death was announced in the Dublin papers, front which the account was copied into nearly all the London ones, is in the enjoyment of perfect health, and has been so for some time. Of course, the supposed vacancy in the representation for Monaghan is non- existent.

Bills to the amount of 30,0001. have been laid before the Committee of Sir William Bmbazon, comprising claims of all sorts, for services performed during the late contest for Mayo.—Licierick Clavnicle. The system of intimidation is each day becoming more and more • prevalent amongst both Repealers and Conservatives. The Evening Mail and the Conservative Society threaten to hold up to odium and non-intercourse all Protestants who did not vote for Sir George Rich • and West ip the metropolis. On• the other side, the Brabazonites in -the county Mayo have posted through the county, and published in the • Castlebar Telegraph, the names of all who voted for and against the Repeal candidate, accompanied by an address two columns long to all -the inhabitants, from the County Independent Club, exhorting them, by all that is dear to them, to adopt the system of exclusive dealing against the Brownites, or Anti-Repealers. Men and women are so- lemnly coujured not to buy a pot. to, a candle, a pair of brogues, an ounce often, a glass of whisky, or a pinch of snuff, except at the'house : of a Repealer !—Correspondent of the Times.

• The Kilkenny Moderator of Wednesday contains the particulars of • twenty-two attacks on houses, in which six individuals were severely beaten, and from which twelve muskets, fowling-pieces, and pistols were taken by the Whitefeet, some of whom promised to return the weapons they took "when the tithes were settled." The assailants also houghed or shot four cows mid horses in the yards and stables adjoin- ' ing, besides some cows shot at • night in the village of Connabee, the number of which is not ascertained. One person going to church - was handed a Rockite notice on the road. This is the report of out- rages collected since Saturday. The committals to the Kilkenny Gaol, from the 8th December to the 6th January inclusive, amount to thirty.

On the night of the 6th instant, an armed party attacked the house , of a man named Kelly, at Garrendenny. Kelly took a position at the door, and on the approach of one of the assailants with a pistol, he struck him with a spade on the head, with which be brought him to the ..ground ; and having repeated the blow while the fellow was down, there is no doubt but he-. killed the unfortunate wretch. His comrades, -however, when they perceived the determination of Kelly, were satis- fied to get off with their fallen companion. —Leinster Express.

In the county of Kildare, parties have of late marched through the country by night, taking arms and dealing their vengeance on all who take land over the heads of the old occupiers. Rossmore Lodge, on the Curragh, and the houses of Mr. Martin and Mr. Davis, adjoining, were plundered of their arms a few nights since. On the 9th instant, a young man named Brohill, who had taken some of the Duke of , Leinster's ground near the town of Kildare to farm, contrary to "the - regulations," was shot dead: his brother also was beaten to death. It - is said that manufactures of gunpowder are numerous in the county.

In the county of Mayo, the inquests have terminated on the bodies of two men slain by the police in self-defence at the election riots of , Balearm and Newport. The verdicts fully acquit the police.

Much interest has been created in Ireland by the inquiry which has been going on at Cork, into the circumstances attending the deaths of three men, named Leary, Saville, and Meade. It will be recollected that they were killed by gun-shot wounds, given by some police in search of a comrade, who had been kept back by some of the, peasants on his route to assist in the collection of tithes. The following verdict, was returned by the Jury late on Friday evening, the 11th—" The twelve Jurors find that Leary and Saville came by their death in con- • sequence of gun-shot wounds, inflicted by policemen unknown, with- .. out any justifiable cause or authority ; and that Francis Crossley, Wil- liam Britt, Cornelius Donovan, and other police unknown to Jurors, . were feloniously present, aiding and assisting." And on the inquest . on Meade, ten of the Jury "find that he came by his death in conse- _ quence of a gun-shot wound in the head, which was inflicted by Francis . 'Crossley, chief constable ; and that such wound was given without any justifiable cause or authority; and that William Britt, William Holmes, Cornelius Donovan, and other police, to Jurors unknown, were felo-

niously aiding and assisting."—Morning Chronicle. The evidence on behalf of the police ,has not been made public, :front the fear of exposing those who gave it to the vengeance of the . people.

[The above extracts form only about a twentieth part of the mass of accounts of the same description with which the Daily Papers abound.

We presume, however, that our readers will be satisfied with what we , have selected, as there is unfortunately no novelty in these distressing details.]