19 JANUARY 1833, Page 9

A grand entertainment, which had been announced for some time

was given by the Marchioness of Salisbury on Wednesday last, at Hatfield House. The guests appeared in the costume of the various charac- ters in the Waverley Novels. After the exhibition of the tableaux, dancing commenced, and subsequently the whole of the . characters pa- raded round the room to the sound of military music. The following characters attracted the principal attention- Tirarerley.—Flora WIvor, Miss Emily Bagot ; Fergus, Lord Claud:Hamilton ; at- tendants, Lady .Cowley and Miss Seymour ; Waverley, Mr. George Harris ; the Pre- tender, Lord Craven ; Callum Beg, Mr. R. Grimston. Legend of lifontrose.—Annot Lyle. Lady Emily Grirnston ; Lord Monteith, Mr. Grimston ; *Major Dalgetty. Mr. E. Drummond; Annot's companions, Miss M. Paget and Miss H. Martin; Sir Duncan Campbell, Colonel B. Drummond. Quentin Durward.—Quentio Durward, Lord Sandwich ; Isabelle de Croye, Miss M. Ames ; Gertrude, Mrs. Standish O'Grady. The Talismon.—Berengaria. Lady Robert Grosvenor ; Edith Plantagenet, Lady Salis- bury; Cceur de Lion, Lord Hillsborough; Sir Kenneth, Lord Grimston ; Saladin, Mr. George Cole ; Calista, Miss Ames.

Ivanhoe.-11ebecca, Lady Lyndhurst; Rowena, Lady Katharine Grimston; Ivanhoe Count Walewski ; Bois Guilbert, Lord Wilton; De Bracy, Mr. L. Ashley ; 'Pr amba Mr. Edgeurnbe.

Kentlworth.—Queen Elizabeth, Lady Sandwich ; Amy Robsart, Miss Farquhar; Leicester, Mr. Henry Fitzroy ; Burleigh, Captain Lewis ; Lady Paget, Mrs. Berkeley Paget; I.ady Rutland, Baroness Dimsdale ; Sir Walter Raleigh, Mr. Francis Sey- mour; Janet, Miss Wellesley. The Abbot.-.—CatherineSeyton, Miss Gardner ; Roland Graeme, Lord Ossulston ; the Queen of Scots, Mrs. D. Darner; George Douglas, Lord Fordwieli ; Lady M. Fleming, Miss C. Sneyd. Peveril of the Peak—Charlotte de la Tremouille, Lady Verulam ; Julian Peveril, Lord Cantalupc ; lord Derby, Mr. C. Grimston ; Fenella, Miss F. Beauclerk ; Charles IL, Lord IL Grosvenor ; George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Colonel D. Darner, The Times this morning mentions an additional circumstance, which,

if correct, is rather strange, and very unpleasant, namely, that there was a scarcity of provisions, and that the guests consequently retired hungry and discontented.