19 JANUARY 1839, Page 10


Accounts received on Thursday from Adelaide, South Australia, are very satisfactory. The letters bear date only to the 31st of July, but the 13th and 14th numbers of the Southern Australian newspaper give information of the state of the colony to the 1st of September. The following is a summary of the intelligence.

The Emerald Isle, chartered by the Australian Association of Ben- gal, had arrived from India with cargo, stock, and passengers. Among the latter, were Mr. Donnithorne, who had visited the colony about eighteen months before, and had returned with a large capital to settle. Two gentlemen named Gleeson, a Mr. Lock, and Captain Bellew, with their respective families, all men of large capital, and bringing with them about 7,000/. in specie, had also arrived as settlers. The sales of land during the months of' July and August had ex- ceeded 7,000 acres, sold in SO acre sections, at 204 an acre. A preli- minary country section of 134 acres had been sold by auction fbr ; and half a town acre, -with a colonnade in the course of erection upon it, let for a term of twelve years at 95/. per annum.

Captain Sturt had arrived in the colony overland from the Hume river, with 400 head of cattle ; making the third arrival of a similar kind. The journey occupied three months. Captain Sturt had pur- chased land.

The persons employed at The South Australian Company's fishing- station at Thistle Island had obtained 75 tuns of whale oil, and the two parties at Encounter Bay upwards of 250 tuns. [These facts afford the best answer to the various statements put forth by the Times, the writer in Tait's Magazine, and Mr. Horton James.]