19 JANUARY 1839, Page 2

A vessel from New York has brought newspapers dated the

26th of last month, which supply a few items of Canadian intelligence. Thirteen prisoners had been tried by court-martial at 'Montreal; three of whom were acquitted, and ten found guilty : of the ten, six were recommended to mercy ; the remaining four, it was sup- posed, woold be speedily executed. Vox S:lout.-rz, the Pole, exhibited great fortitude to the minute of his death. He declared that he had been deluded by repre- sentations that the people in Upper Canada were oppressed, and eager to overturn the f ;overnmcnt.

lit reply to an address from the Mayor and Common Council of Toronto, in which the Governor's attention was drawn to a state- ment in PreSideilt VAN BUREN'S message that an insurrection had broken out in both the Canadas, Sir GEoutai .Afernra said, that he had been struck with the misstatement, and had requested the British Minister at Washington to inform Pretalellt, VAN BuitEN that there had been no outbreak in Upper Canada. Under the actual circumstances, however, we think the President's mistake pardonable. The residents in Toronto of French origin had also presented a complimentary address to Sir GEORGE ARTHUR. There appears to be sonic apprehension that the Canadian Mili- tia would come into collision with the regular troops. The former were dissatisfied with the paucity of executions—they were desirous of more hanging and shooting ; whilst the regulars of course sup- ported the Government.