19 JANUARY 1850, Page 9

The classical concerts given by Mr. Willy once a fortnight,

at St. Mar- tin's Hall in Long Acre, are entertahunents of a high order. They con- sist chiefly of chamber instrumental compositions of the greatest masters, with a sprinkling of vocal music.

It may give an idea of the character of these entertainments to men- tion, that on Monday last the insrrumental bill of fare consisted of Sebas- tian Bach's Pianoforte Concerto in D minor, performed by Mr. Sterndale Bennett, and accompanied by a quintet of stringed instruments ; Beet- hoven's Quintet in E flat, Mendelssohn's Quintet. in D major, -and Mo- zart's Quartet in E flat. Mr. Willy himself played the principal violin in a masterly style; and the other parts were well sustained by members of his orchestra. Several airs of Mozart, Haydn, and klendelasohn, were well sung by Miss Kenneth, Miss Ellen Lyon, and Mr. Land. The room was full ; and it is worth noticing, that Bach's concerto, notwith- standing its profound construction and antique style, received an unani- mous encore.