19 JANUARY 1884, Page 2

The American papers report a meeting at Brooklyn, in which

Mr. O'Donovan Rossa raved as follows :—" Let me assure you, gentlemen and reporters, that before the third anniversary of O'Donnell's death, we will be prepared to give Ireland her liberty. I have been called a madman and a fool for saying so.. I am not a fool, but I admit I am a madman, for to be an Irish- man now-a-days a man must be mad. I go in for dynamite, with the loyal Irishmen in England who are ready to do the work. It only remains for us to put up money enough to assist them, and London will have ceased to be a city. Tear down English cities ; kill the English people. It is open warfare now, and to kill and massacre and pillage is justifiable in the eyes of God and man." Surely, the American Government should take this gentleman at his word, on the question of his insanity. His ravings may be mad, or bad, or both, but they are contagious, and injurious to the peace of the world. Such a madman ought not to be permitted to rave in freedom.